5 Ways to make your dad happy this Father’s Day – PortaMist

5 Ways to make your dad happy this Father’s Day

At work

If your dad is a hard-working man and he works construction in the heat all day every day give him the best gift he can ask for and keep him cool with a cooling station. This system will be an aid to prevent him from getting a heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019

hard working dad gift


If your dad is a sport’s fan, likes tailgating, golfing, fishing or camping, he will love this portable misting unit that he can take anywhere he goes, no need for an electrical outlet or a hose. 

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019

tailgating father's day gift

Recreational Vehicles

If your dad has a Golf Cart, an RV, ATV, or side by side you can easily install a portable misting system on his car, he will appreciate it.

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019

portamist on wheels



If your dad loves to BBQ, this is the ultimate BBQ accessory, PortaMist includes a LED light for those late-night BBQ days.

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019

BBQ father's day gift


Outdoor activities

Does dad like to do trade shows, is a coach for little leagues, like to go to flea markets, or visit food truck festivals, a PortaMist on wheels is what he needs. He will be the coolest dad for sure when he can walk around with his personal portable misting.

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019

outdoor work dad cooling


5 Ways to Make Your Dad Happy This Father's Day

USE CODE: COOLDAD for $50 dollars off a purchase of a PortaMist/ PortaSpray OR USE CODE SUPERCOOLDAD for 25% off a fixed system at your home!!!

Offer ends June 18th,2019